The Athlete’s Pocket Guide to Yoga

Athletes come to the practice of yoga with muscle tightness from hours spent training and little time in their weekly schedules for lengthy sessions. At the height of the season, they often disappear from yoga classes altogether in favor of demanding sport-specific training, yet it is then that yoga can be most beneficial.

Sage Rountree makes it easy for athletes to reap the benefits of yoga year-round. The Athlete’s Pocket Guide to Yoga is set up to complement a rigorous training schedule.

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“Sage shares the benefits that yoga has brought to her life as an athlete and offers easy to follow yoga postures and breathing techniques to help athletes of all sports get started with a safe and effective yoga routine and to help them avoid or rehabilitate an injury.”

—Beryl Bender Birch, author of Power Yoga and Beyond Power Yoga, Director/Founder of the Hard and the Soft Yoga Institute, and contributor to Yoga Journal

“Sage’s clear approach to incorporating yoga into a training season perfectly addresses all the things athletes need to hear about flexibility and balanced conditioning—and Sage delivers it in a way that athletes can relate to.”

—Karen Dubs, creator of the Flexible Warrior Athletic Yoga DVD series

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Feeling uninspired when it’s time to plan? I’m here to help!

Trade me your email for my go-to yoga lesson plan with ideas for every minute. This is the class I teach when my energy is low—but it’s the favorite of my students from 20 to 80 years old! I’ll even give you tips on how to adapt it for various class formats.