Preorder my forthcoming book, THE ART OF YOGA SEQUENCING, and get the companion video demo Sequence Library for free! Here’s how.
Come to finishing school! 🫅🏻Challenge your balance and build hip strength in this fun sequence that includes a curtsy lunge. You’ll work from your back, from table pose, and from standing.
The Workshop Workshop gives you all the materials you need to lead life-changing, problem-solving workshops for your students. And you’ll earn CEUs!
The Workshop Workshop will walk you through the entire process of planning, placing, and promoting meaningful workshops for whatever students and whatever topic you best work with.
I don’t just teach workshops, I also book workshops at my studio, Carrboro Yoga Company. Here’s what I want you to know.
Here is an exercise to help you find your niche and hone your voice as a yoga teacher across all the things you offer: workshops, classes, even social media and any other messages you deliver to your students.
Learn to lead students toward better connection, whether they are moving or being still. The fundamentals of mindfulness are simple, but that doesn’t mean they are easy for students to follow or for teachers to lead. Let’s work on this together!
Here are the five steps to teach a yoga workshop to help your students (and your career).
Looking for a last-minute gift idea for a friend? Consider my businesses and my books! If you’re local to central North Carolina, a gift card in any amount will help your recipient feel balanced, relaxed, and connected. And you can schedule them right now to deliver on a future date! Or maybe one of these…
In my last post, I shared a video demo of how to get into some classic standing balance poses through shoulder and hip rotations. Here’s a follow-up that you could use to move into kneeling balance poses. Some of these shapes are pretty spicy! But you can sweeten them by: If you try this in…
There is a fresh video available today in my Core Strength for Real People series. This one delivers maximal satisfaction and time management when you tack it on at the end of a workout. I like to think of it as the bare minimum I can do and tell myself, “I challenged my core today!”…