Yoga teachers: here’s how to find the perfect volume and pacing so your students can best receive your message. Learn how to speak clearly and effectively, avoiding common pitfalls that can hinder your students’...
Join me for a free virtual book talk on The Art of Yoga Sequencing! Tuesday, May 14, 2:00–3:30 p.m. EDT Hosted by The Thread Yoga Collective I will explain my theory for sequencing fresh, contemporary yoga and mindful-movement classes that reflect the diversity of...
Caregiving is hard work. Whether you are taking care of a parent, a child, a friend, or your own self, you need to refill your well so you can keep it up. Yoga can help a lot. My colleagues Julee Waldrop and Cammie Presler have a fantastic new resource for you: a...
Discover how to eliminate filler words that can diminish your impact as a yoga teacher. Learn to be specific and engaging in your instructions to create a more meaningful yoga practice for your students. Don’t miss out on this valuable...
Are you thinking about yoga for athletes all wrong? Many teachers and students make this common error: they go way too hard. Yoga for athletes is not athletic yoga. It shouldn’t be a workout—as we teachers like to say, it should be a work-in. The more serious an...
The Art of Yoga Sequencing publishes March 12, just over two weeks away! Have you preordered the book yet? If you have already preordered . . . I am excited to give you free access to my Sequence Library! This is a companion video demo library that brings the...