Now’s the time to sign up for Fundamentals of Teaching Restorative Yoga, which will meet in person at Carrboro Yoga in Carrboro/Chapel Hill, NC, February 18 and 19. This is a module in Carolina Yoga Company’s advanced studies teacher training; it is also...
You may have noticed that retail stores selling yoga clothing often host weekly classes. These attract practitioners who spend an hour or more in the company of the clothes, with the idea that they are more likely to buy. In my experience—and I would be happy to be...
Whether you are building your yoga website or teaching at a gym, studio, or festival, you will need a good biography. Start with role models. Look online at the bios of your favorite teachers, both those with a national visibility, with whom you may have studied...
On Friday, November 18, I’ll lead a pop-up Yoga Nidra class at Carrboro Yoga. We start at 6 p.m. Yoga Nidra is a guided relaxation that leads you through the layers of your being with the goal of accessing bliss. If savasana is your favorite part of yoga class,...
If you have explored the softer side of yoga, you have probably encountered gentle, yin, and restorative yoga. But there’s often confusion around the differences between these three approaches, and not just for students, for teachers as well! While they can be...
Here’s a true confession from most yoga teachers: we always go faster on the second side. This happens for a variety of reasons, prime among them that we have said all our best cues on the first side and haven’t grown comfortable with silence, or that we have...