I know the curse: it’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking every session needs a fresh theme, new playlist, and unique sequence to keep students engaged. I spent the first half of my yoga career feeling that I had to “prove myself” with creative class structures...
Yoga teacher affirmation: I recognize support makes everything easier. That can be support from the breath, from a prop, from a partner, or from the community as a whole. I offer my students support in all forms. And I offer myself the same.
You probably love your favorite yoga teachers because they hold the space well and take the seat of the teacher with confidence. This confidence sets a tone that allows students to relax, center, and connect. But for many yoga teachers—both new and...
Yoga teacher affirmation: I recognize I don’t even know what I don’t know. I check my privilege and my blind spots. I know the parts of my practice that come easy are the hardest to teach. And I know my struggles are my superpowers as a teacher. For more on this...
Becoming a better yoga teacher is about more than mastering poses or memorizing sequences. It’s about knowing how to connect with your students, guiding them toward their own growth, and recognizing your own blind spots as a teacher. One of the most surprising things...
Yoga teacher affirmation: I greet my students by name. I see my students. I acknowledge that students come to class to be seen. I show I see them by calling them by name. And I confirm I am pronouncing names correctly, so that everyone feels truly seen. For more on...