Affirmation: I Am in Conversation with My Students

Affirmation: I Am in Conversation with My Students

Teaching yoga is a conversation, though it can sound like a monologue to you. Your students are providing nonverbal answers to your questions and prompts. They do this both with their bodies and also in their minds. Be a good conversation partner. Give your students...
How to Get Better at Teaching Yoga: Welcome Other Teachers

How to Get Better at Teaching Yoga: Welcome Other Teachers

When other teachers join your class, celebrate it! They’re there to practice, not judge. Introduce them, create a friendly vibe, and learn from their presence. Teachers supporting teachers—this is how we grow together. Yoga teachers: If you have the pleasure of having...
What It’s Like to Teach Yoga to Football Players

What It’s Like to Teach Yoga to Football Players

Yoga for athletes is NOT athletic yoga! In fact, teaching yoga to athletes can feel a lot like leading a gentle yoga class—or even yoga for seniors. In this video, I debrief my assistant Alexis Besosa after Alexis has joined me to work with a college football team...
Affirmation: I Am in Conversation with My Students

Affirmation: A Calm Voice Is Not Always a Quiet Voice

Yoga teacher affirmation: A calm voice is not always a quiet voice. While you should speak in a way that is relaxing, don’t make your students work too hard to hear you. A calm voice is not always a quiet voice. Ask students to raise a hand if they can’t make out your...
How to Get Better at Teaching Yoga: Ask Your Friends

How to Get Better at Teaching Yoga: Ask Your Friends

Yoga teachers: Want to get better at teaching? Start by asking for feedback from your peers, not your students. Your fellow teachers can offer insights that will help you improve in ways your students can’t. Don’t be afraid to seek out constructive criticism—it’s key...