Yoga teacher affirmation: I trust my students to express their unique selves through their poses. I do not have X-ray vision. I trust my students are doing what is best for them. I can’t see what’s going on in their skeletons, and I can’t see what’s going on in their...
Yoga teacher affirmation: I know that teachers come in all forms. I know every being has something to teach me: human/nonhuman, in and out of yoga, all ages, all shapes, all colors. Each opportunity to connect is a chance for growth. I welcome teachers in any...
Yoga teacher affirmation: I have a sense of humor—it’s only yoga. Flubbing my words, forgetting a side, falling out of a pose, farting—stuff happens in class. It’s OK, it’s only yoga. If at the end of class, people feel better, it was a...
Affirmation: I celebrate my colleagues and support them. I go to my colleagues’ classes and welcome them in mine. I recognize the value of studenthood, and the power of community. I trust there are enough students for all of us to help, and I know we are on the same...
Teaching yoga is a conversation, though it can sound like a monologue to you. Your students are providing nonverbal answers to your questions and prompts. They do this both with their bodies and also in their minds. Be a good conversation partner. Give your students...
Yoga teacher affirmation: A calm voice is not always a quiet voice. While you should speak in a way that is relaxing, don’t make your students work too hard to hear you. A calm voice is not always a quiet voice. Ask students to raise a hand if they can’t make out your...