Coming Up: Language Refinement Workshop in Carrboro

Jan 18, 2022

I bet you’re teaching yoga (or interested in what goes into it) because you want to share its benefits with your students. And I’ll also bet that you want to do that in the best way you can. Finally, I bet consciously improving your communication skills, both verbal and nonverbal, will make you a better teacher. I won’t lie: it takes work, and some productive discomfort.

Join me in that creative space to work as we explore Language Refinement: Clear Communication in Class, and I’m offering it at Carolina Yoga’s Carrboro, NC, location February 26 and 27, 2022.

We meet nine hours in person—Saturday 10–1 and 2–5, and again Sunday 10–1—because there’s only so much constructive critique we can process at once, and because I want to make this weekend easy for you to travel to! Before and after our meeting you’ll have self-assessment exercises to complete, to ensure you maximize your improvement while learning skills for continued growth.

Read about the workshop and our other continuing education programs and sign up here. Note that proof of vaccination is currently required to enter the studio and we are wearing masks per county order. We’d originally planned to wait till we were past such restrictions to offer our advanced studies trainings—but our program is designed to help you develop real-world skills, and this is the real world now.

You’ll earn 18 CEUs, and the workshop counts toward Carolina Yoga Company’s 500-hour yoga teacher training, too.

Whether you can make it or not, you can do our homework self-improvement exercise outlined in The Fastest, Cheapest, and Best Way to Improve Your Teaching. Sign up here and I’ll send it right over!

When you like what you see, please know there’s tons more advice for teachers of every level in The Professional Yoga Teacher’s Handbook! It’s available in paperback, e-book, and audiobook format.

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