Mark Your Calendars: Kripalu 2023

Oct 13, 2022

Mark your calendars now for two workshops Alexandra DeSiato and I will be co-leading at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Lenox, Massachusetts:

  • Recharge: A Retreat for Yoga and Movement Teachers, Sunday–Friday, October 1–6
  • Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses: Create Inspiring Classes for All Students, Friday–Monday (holiday weekend = expanded three-day version!), October 6–9

Separately or together, these workshops will help you reconnect with the big reasons why you teach, lead you to envision how you can help your students even better, and send you home with renewed enthusiasm for teaching yoga and movement classes.

We are so excited to spend this time with you! Please reserve the dates in your calendar now, and expect news of registration in the spring. If you aren’t already reading this in my newsletter, sign up here to be alerted when registration is open.

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