New Site Design

Apr 18, 2011

Realizing that I have a whole lot of content online, I set out to redesign my website so that my articles and videos—many housed on various magazines’ sites across the web—would be more accessible and, hopefully, of more use to readers. As a control freak, I wanted to be able to constantly tweak the site. But as I don’t know a thing about design, I thought I might need to hire someone to do it for me.

Then it struck me: a central principle of my teaching (and coaching, for that matter) is efficiency. Are we using more than is needed to get the job done? Is a slick design really necessary?

The new is extremely minimal in its design. With each iteration of my site, I’m learning to cut more words and use less color. I hope it actually delivers the content more clearly. Will you please have a look and give me your feedback? (If you’ve visited my site lately, you might need to refresh your browser.) I’m still working out folder hierarchies and link connections, so if you see anything amiss, I’d love to hear about it. Thank you!

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