Quick Poll: 500-Hour Intensive Option

Aug 15, 2014

Sage, Mira Shani, and Lies Sapp

Sage, Mira Shani, and Lies Sapp

Yoga teachers: after loving the summer intensive version of our Carolina Yoga 200-hour yoga teacher training, we’re considering adding an intensive version of our advanced studies training (what the Yoga Alliance used to call the 500-hour level, and what is now known as the 300-hour). In this format, you’d be able to complete the bulk of the required hours with me and Mira Shani over the course of four weeks in lovely Carrboro, North Carolina.

Several of our currently enrolled advanced studies students come from out of town; all of them first connected through my Teaching Yoga to Athletes module (a part of the advanced studies program). We’d love to serve them and any teacher interested in furthering his or her studies of the art and practice of teaching and the glorious system of yoga, and a monthlong intensive may be a very appealing option.

If you would find an intensive appealing, please chime in via the comments section below, or on Facebook (/sagerountree) or Twitter (@sagetree). And if you are interested in learning from wherever you are, anytime, please consider these wonderful online courses, all part of our advanced studies curriculum:

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