Racing Wisely

You’ve trained for your peak race for months. When the big day comes, how will you perform? All the training in the world is useless if you can’t execute your race plan and cope with unforeseen events, and subpar training can be overcome if you approach race day with the right attitude.

Whether you are new to racing or have been frustrated by underperformance or setbacks, Racing Wisely gives you tools–from the practical to the philosophical–to perform to the best of your ability. You’ll learn how to:

  • Choose the right race for your personal strengths
  • Test yourself in training to identify the right race pace
  • Write a race plan that helps you feel prepared
  • Manage your energy in the weeks before the race
  • Race for a personal-best time, or competitively for place
  • Recover physically and mentally 

where to buy the book

Race day success isn’t just about training—it’s about strategy, mindset, and execution. Learn how to create a solid race plan, pace yourself effectively, and develop the right mental approach to overcome setbacks and perform at your best.

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Trade me your email for my go-to yoga lesson plan with ideas for every minute. This is the class I teach when my energy is low—but it’s the favorite of my students from 20 to 80 years old! I’ll even give you tips on how to adapt it for various class formats.