Register: Professionalism for Movement Teachers

Oct 19, 2015

You may have seen Michelle Goldberg’s New York Magazine article “The Brutal Economics of Being a Yoga Teacher” in the last week. Interestingly, the story doesn’t get into an exploration of the actual numbers of what teachers are paid. A story by Helene Olen in Slate today asks, “Why Don’t More People Discuss Their Compensation?”

Discussing these very topics—the brutal economics of making a living, or, more commonly, moonlighting as a yoga teacher, and what and how we are paid—is the subject of Professionalism: A Moment Teachers’ Intensive, a workshop my business partner Lies Sapp and I will lead at Carrboro Yoga Friday–Sunday, November 6–8.

One definition of yoga is “relationship.” In this weekend intensive designed for teachers at any level of experience and in any style of yoga, we will examine the relationships that teachers have with self, students, other teachers, studios, money, and the law. You will leave with a concrete plan for being completely clear and professional in all your relationships, to the benefit of yourself, your students, and the yoga community at large. Studio owners Lies Sapp and Sage Rountree share their knowledge on accounting, scheduling, and the studio/teacher relationship. You’ll gain attorney Lies’s perspective on legal issues yoga teachers face, including liability and ethics, and learn Sage’s take on marketing, building a loyal student base, and developing a career—full or part-time—as a yoga teacher. The weekend will help you focus on your professional strengths and weaknesses, and we’ll help you set goals for building a successful relationship with your teaching as you move forward.

Mostly lecture, discussion, and small group work, with brief shake-out led asana practices. For yoga, Pilates, and movement teachers of all levels and styles. This course is required for the Carolina Yoga 500-Hour Teacher Training; those not enrolled in the training are still most welcome!

Friday, November 6, 6:00–9:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 7, 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. and 2:00–5:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 8, 10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m. and 2:00–5:00 p.m.

$349/$329 until 11/1

Register now!

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We get down to the nitty gritty of things, in ways that will immediately affect your relationship to your teaching for the benefit of your students and your community. When we last offered the workshop, we had it professionally recorded (check it out at Sage Yoga Teacher Training!). The videographer and sound tech both told us it was immensely useful for them as freelancers, too. Please join us, or access the entire course online anytime.

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