Registration Open: Yoga Summer Camp in NC

Apr 4, 2023

Join us for our one-of-a-kind, first-ever Yoga Summer Camp, an in-studio retreat for grownups aged 16 to 99! We meet at beautiful Carrboro Yoga Company in central North Carolina.

This is for you if you:

  • Fondly remember the joy of shared experience at summer camp
  • Are eager to know more about yoga practices beyond the poses
  • Are local and would love a retreat but can’t swing the time away
  • Have always wanted to spend a summer in the Southern Part of Heaven: Carrboro/Chapel Hill, NC
  • Want to treat yourself to the ultimate staycation or vacation
  • Have been intrigued by the fun and immersive parts of yoga teacher training without being sure you want to teach
  • Are looking for a deeply meaningful experience to enjoy together with a family member or friend 
  • Dearly love your family and friends but want some YOU time with like-minded people so you can go home refreshed each day
  • Like to move but don’t need to win at yoga
  • Enjoy luxuriating in final relaxation at the end of practice and wish you could extend that period
  • Want to develop personally meaningful rituals to enhance your self-care

Over the course of five special days, you’ll deepen your practice, make friends, find joy, and learn lots about yoga, its related practices, and yourself. We will explore various forms of meditation, get to know our Ayurvedic doshas, learn about mantras, yantras, and malas, and laugh a LOT.

Your camp counselors are studio co-owners Sage Rountree and Lies Sapp. Together, they will guide you in doable, active asana practices; activities designed to teach you more about the practice and yourself; meditations; art creation; and play.

Expect a schedule like this as we meet at Carrboro Yoga Friday, July 28, through Monday, July 31:

10–10:30: opening circle, intention setting, meditation
10:30–12:30: doable yoga practice for all levels, with time for questions, answers, and exploration
12:30–1:45: locally catered lunch and restful siesta
1:45–3:00: art activity
3:00–4:15: gentle, yin, and restorative yoga, plus yoga nidra
4:15–5:00: meditation, journaling, closing circle

Before we meet and every day of camp, you’ll get prompts for reflection, reading, and yoga-related viewing, so you can extend your experience into the evening. Or go grab dinner with your new camp friends!

Camp culminates on Tuesday, August 1, in a final-day field trip to Hillsborough Spa and Day Retreat, where we will have the space all to ourselves for lounging, reflection, journaling, enjoying the amenities, and, if you choose, an optional add-on treatment at a steeply discounted rate.

Lunch is included; we’ll reach out closer to the start of camp to check in on your dietary needs.

If you are a yoga teacher who tracks Yoga Alliance CEUs, you’ll get 35 for this camp!

Because the cohesion of the group is integral to the experience, there will be no single-day drop-ins, and we won’t prorate if you need to miss a day. We need a minimum of five people enrolled by July 1, and will max out at 15, so sign up now to ensure your spot!

$800 for current unlimited members (this should autoapply at checkout, let us know if you run into trouble)
$900 for current 5x members (this should autoapply at checkout, let us know if you run into trouble)
$1008 for nonmembers
$750 for Black, Indigenous, and Non-White people, see our reparatory and gratitude discount info and contact us at for a personal discount code

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