Scheduled: Continuing Education at Carrboro Yoga

May 2, 2022

I’ve just scheduled six workshops as part of Carolina Yoga Company’s 500-hour yoga teacher training. These are all open to any movement teacher, as well! They will meet at our Carrboro Yoga Co. location in Carrboro/Chapel Hill, NC. Each has some work for you to do before and after our in-person meetings, which are designed to be travel-friendly while using the power of the group to give you a chance to practice and refine your teaching skills. You’ll earn 18 Yoga Alliance CEUs in each one.

These workshops will expand your ability to help more students, whether you lead sweet or spicy classes. I hope you’ll join me for one or more of these:

  • Designing and Teaching Gentle Yoga Sequences and Classes, September 24–25, 2022
  • Designing and Teaching Core Strength Sequences and Classes, October 29–30, 2022
  • Fundamentals of Teaching Yin Yoga, January 28–29, 2023
  • Fundamentals of Teaching Restorative Yoga, February 25–26, 2023
  • Designing and Teaching Balance-Focused Sequences and Classes, September 23–24, 2023
  • Fundamentals of Teaching Yoga Nidra, October 28–29, 2023

You can read full details and register here. Use “view all” by the date filter at top to see all the workshops.

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