Tag: Race Plan
Listen: Bonus Another Mother Runner Podcast on Racing Wisely
Can’t get enough podcasts about running? You’re in luck: while I was in Spokane, Another Mother Runner recorded a bonus session with me discussing racing wisely and Racing Wisely. This was recorded live with a group of retreaters who were preparing to run Happy Girls Spokane. In it, you’ll hear lots of racing advice, including my critical soul sucking…
Watch: More Free Yoga for Athletes Videos
Here are more of the yoga for athletes videos that accompany my August Yoga Journal feature on training for a triathlon: Week 5: Healthy Wrists Week 6: First Transition (T1) Week 7: Second Transition (T2) Week 8: Balance in the Water Plus bonus videos! Using a Mantra Drishti for Open Water The thumbnails are, as usual, hilarious.
Racing Wisely: Postrace Reflection
Here’s an excerpt from my latest book, Racing Wisely, with ideas on using your postrace reflections for self-growth and help in choosing a new goal. Reflection As you take time off of workouts after your peak race, you’ll have some extra free time. Devote this to mental recovery and reflection. It can be tough to be out…
Racing Wisely: Postrace Recovery
As the major spring running races wrap up, many of us have extra free time on our hands as we recover. Here’s an excerpt from my latest book, Racing Wisely, with ideas on when and how to get back into the swing after your key race. Returning to Training Whether you raced to your personal best,…
Download: Form Cues
I had a glorious run today, listening to the sound of my breath and my feet and the breeze in the trees. Occasionally I remembered to tune up my form. By the end of the run, I had an idea to capture that voice in my head, so I made you this present: a few form cues…
Racing Wisely: Managing Expectations
Here’s an excerpt from my latest book, Racing Wisely, that seems especially germane as we hit peak spring race season. As you plan your travel, you also need to consider who is coming with you, what their intentions are for the trip, and how you can preserve both your good relationship with your travel companions and your…
Sage Advice: Yoga During T2
Eleanore asked an interesting question: Is there a good pose to do during T2 [the second transition, from bike to run, in a triathlon]? Something to help facilitate the transition from bike to run? Not for a sprint tri, but more for longer distance races where an extra two minutes spent in transition might be regained…
Listen: Another Mother Runner Podcast on Racing Wisely
It’s always a fun conversation on Sarah Bowen Shea and Dimity McDowell’s Another Mother Runner podcast. I joined them to discuss Racing Wisely, intention and goals, and smart pacing. I suggested they need to be lazy and stubborn; in exchange, they somehow pegged me as Shirley from Laverne and Shirley. Maybe worse things could happen—Shirley had…
Excerpt from Racing Wisely: Tips for Racing Wisely
There’s a robust excerpt from Racing Wisely at Trail Runner, complete with a very kind introduction. Time trial racing means getting to the finish line in the shortest possible time. But to do that, you may need to go slow, especially at the beginning, so that you have enough energy to carry you all the way through…
Paper Edition: Racing Wisely
Today’s the day—you can buy your very own print edition of Racing Wisely, to accompany your e-book edition. (They are, verbatim, the same.) Thank you for your support—if you find the book useful, I’d really appreciate a positive review on Amazon! Order here.
Listen: Runners Connect Podcast on Racing Wisely
I had a fun time discussing Racing Wisely with Will from the Runners Connect podcast—we covered a wide range of topics, from intention and goals to his meaningful PR in the 5K in a high school cross-country meet. Do you need a step-by-step guide for minimizing the stresses that surround a race? That’s what this…
Excerpt from Racing Wisely: Wise Mental Skills
Please enjoy this excerpt from Racing Wisely, online at Competitor Running today. Yoga students will recognize the approach outlined here, as will experienced endurance athletes. I hope it’ll inspire you to pay attention to your form and breath, to sharpen your focus, and, frankly, to buy the book, which you can be reading in its…