Tag: teacher training
Last Call: Daytime Online Yoga Teacher Training
Here’s your last call to sign up for the Carolina Yoga Company 200-hour daytime online yoga teacher training that starts in January.
Not Too Late for Summer Intensives
Today feels like the first day of summer proper, as the first weekday with the kids out of school. If your summer isn’t booked down to the last minute, there’s still time to join me at one or more of these upcoming intensives: Yoga for Athletes: Balance, Strength, Flexibility, and Focus 1440 Multiversity, Scotts Valley,…
Read: Comfort and Affliction
To help students progress, a yoga teacher (or a coach) needs to know when to push and when to back off. I wrote a piece on developing this skill that’s online at the prAna blog. Journalist Finely Peter Dunne famously said the job of a newspaper is to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.”…
Read: Sustainable Yoga Teaching
In my latest post at prAna Life, I talk about ways to structure your teaching schedule so you have a sustainable yoga career, rather than burning out. “Practice becomes firmly grounded when well attended to for a long time, without break and in all earnestness.” —Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra, trans. Swami Satchidananda As a yoga teacher,…
Read: 6 Steps to Creating a Welcoming Class
Over at prAna Life, I offer six steps to setting a welcoming, nurturing tone that will make your students feel safe and right at home. While the piece is specifically about yoga, it would work in any movement class, and virtually any class at all. Attending yoga for the first time—or taking a class with…