earn MVP status teaching yoga for athletes
with the proven self-paced training and mentorship that since 2012 has helped hundreds of yoga teachers develop a niche helping peak performers win big

You’re probably closer than you think to a profitable career teaching yoga to athletes.
The keys:
- see your role clearly as the guide, not the hero
- understand the athletes’ needs in yoga
- find ways to deliver yoga that meet athletes where they are
You want to make a difference in the lives of your athletic students.
(And you sure wouldn’t mind earning good money while you do that!)
Maybe you even nurture a secret dream of having a huge impact by working with athletes, from your local running club to your local professional teams.
You could become everyone’s favorite yoga teacher, a hero who helps their students reach peak performance in sports while achieving balance in life.
But you might not yet have a clear vision for how you can start to reach the athletes you want to help. On your worst days, you even feel like an imposter, a phony. Like you couldn’t possibly have the skill and know-how to reach your pie-in-the-sky goals of turning athletes into champions.
Every teacher ought to feel like they matter to their students, like they are spreading yoga’s gifts. That goes for you, whether you are teaching professional athletes or “regular” people—and regular people deserve balance and peak performance, too.
In my twenty-plus years of teaching yoga to athletes, experience has led me to all those answers. I want to use my decades of experience to help you earn more, and take your teaching skills and career to the next level.
Alison made this her career
Program graduate Alison Heilig is founder of Miles to Go Athletics, CEO/editor-in-chief of Fit Bottomed Girls, an ultramarathoner, and a competitive weightlifter.
Here’s how she grew in Teaching Yoga to Athletes.
this yoga for athletes teacher training includes:
comprehensive learning
On-demand video lessons, a private podcast, and the Teaching Yoga to Athletes manual to deepen your understanding of yoga.
practice and feedback
A workbook with exercises, a movement analysis tool, and classroom coaching to refine your teaching with my personal support.
essential resources
Access to my Teaching Yoga to Athletes library and hard-to-find books to help you understand the athlete’s mindset.
career and business growth
Pitch support, website and marketing guidance, and two 1:1 strategy calls to help you land the gigs you want.
you’ll also receive these bonuses:
- A Year’s Worth of Monthly Office Hours: live 90-minute meetings so you can ask all your questions, even once you’re done with the training and working with athletes. Out in the field is where questions often arise, and having a mentor is priceless!
- The Complete Yoga for Athletes Curriculum with follow-along classes, lesson plans, and meditations you can teach as is or adapt to suit your students. Use these proven lesson plans in your classes and hit the ground running.
- My Full Movement and Mindfulness Libraries so you can practice self-care and keep up your own studenthood while getting fresh ideas to teach to your own classes. Your attention to your own practice shines through in your teaching, and your students will notice and be drawn to you as a result.
- Professionalism Templates that help you pitch teams, write your biography, spiff up your website, and generate helpful content. Following my playbook will get you positioned to make the game-winning shot every time.
Students from New York to New Zealand, Canada to Malawi, and Copenhagen to Kenya have loved this course and find that going all in on your teaching career reaps amazing gains.
If you’ve been dreaming of working with athletes of all sports and levels, or even simply wondering how yoga fits in your own training, this course will give you concrete skills to:
- serve your students and elevate their game and focus using simple yoga techniques that have a big impact on performance
- sharpen your skills teaching athletes and everyone, so you earn more referrals and retain students for years
- develop smart, time-saving systems and grow your business so you can do more of the work you love
- double (or triple, or quadruple) both your income and your impact as you turn athletes into champions

Steve Krojniewski, who works with teams at Notre Dame.

Jenni Tarma, founder of Kaari Prehab and a teacher trainer for Yoga Medicine.

Beth Marek, who teaches climbers and other athletes from her studio in El Paso.
this training is right for you if:
This course empowers teachers—or teachers-to-be—of any style of yoga to begin teaching yoga to athletes. It works if you are a:
- new teacher
- experienced teacher
- lifelong athlete
- self-professed non-athlete (I bet you’re more athletic than you think)
It has also proved useful for:
- coaches
- PE teachers
- personal trainers
- physical therapists
- athletes interested in designing their own practices
this is not right for you if:
- you think yoga for athletes should be athletic yoga
- you have never done yoga
you’re looking for a shortcut or gimmick instead of investing in a deep, integrative teacher training journey
you’re not ready to grow as a teacher—including pushing through some discomfort around your authority and marketing your work and worth
you despise online learning
your investment
pay in full or 5 x $500/month
discount available for BINW folx and those of Indian heritage: read more
join now and get:
- On-demand video lessons, a private podcast, and the Teaching Yoga to Athletes manual
A workbook with exercises, a movement analysis tool, and classroom coaching
- Access to my Teaching Yoga to Athletes library, hard-to-find books, and my full movement and mindfulness libraries
- Pitch support, website and marketing guidance, professionalism templates, and two 1:1 strategy calls
- A year’s worth of monthly office hours
- The complete Yoga for Athletes curriculum
wondering if this will work for you?
Hear from program graduates about their experience in Teaching Yoga to Athletes—and how it changed their careers for the better.
“Sage has a way of meeting the athlete where they are and using yoga to enhance them. She does a wonderful job of teaching yoga teachers to have that same connection.”
—Jamie McDaniel, Teaching Yoga to Athletes student
rest easy agreements
To help you feel confident getting started, I offer not one, but two full refund opportunities.
1. “Redshirt me”
First, there’s an unconditional 30-day no-questions-asked money-back guarantee. Say you get in to the curriculum and realize that the time isn’t optimal, and this isn’t the right season for you. You can take a redshirt—a full refund—and I hope you’ll return later to get in the game.
2. “Put me on the trainer’s table”
Plus, I offer a 90-day make-this-work guarantee: if you’re doing all the work I ask and not booking clients for at least $120 an hour, I’ll personally refund your money or work with you one-on-one until you do. We will figure out the hitch and get your career back in fighting shape.
frequently asked questions
How long will Teaching Yoga to Athletes take me to complete?
That’s up to you. The course is designed so you can jump right to the lessons that will get you fast off the blocks! And you can learn in a fashion that suits your brain and your interests.
If you’re a sprinter, we can get you just what you need to have an immediate impact in only a few hours inside the course. Then you can pop in at your leisure to fill any gaps in your knowledge and get my coaching.
If you want to go deep—say, you’re thorough, like a marathoner or ultrarunner—you could spend 50 to 60 hours working through all the content inside the training, and more with my mentorship.
What if I’m not sure I want to work with athletes?
The Teaching Yoga to Athletes course is really an exercise in figuring out how to help our students by determining what stresses they undergo in daily life—whether through sports training, a tough job, or illness and injury—and learning to devise routines to support them. In that way, it’s appropriate for all yoga teachers, especially those who want to sharpen their abilities to work with special populations.
I’m not an athlete—or I haven’t played the sport I’m interested in. Will that matter?
Nope! I’ve never been a linebacker! In the course, you’ll learn how to quickly assess an athlete’s needs based on their sport and their position, using a simple movement analysis tool.
Your early books focus on endurance athletes. Does Teaching Yoga to Athletes include all sports?
Indeed! We discuss everything from curling to surfing. Each unit contains homework and discussion that will get you thinking about the best ways to help athletes in all sports. You’ll get to focus on the sports of particular interest to you, and to hear from others about their interests.
Anatomy is hard for me. Is that a dealbreaker?
Nope! You’ll learn to focus on the physiology of adaptation, not the pathology, which is not your job. I’ll get you right up to speed on the basics of exercise physiology in ways that are easy to understand and apply!
What exactly should a class for athletes look like?
It depends on the athlete and the point in the season. Inside the training, I help you arrive at your own best conclusions about what will best serve the athletes you are working with.
But if you’d like an example of how I teach yoga to athletes, check out Yoga to Do Before Your Run, Yoga to Do During Your Run (yoga philosophy on the go!), and Yoga to Do After Your Run, all in this secret, unlisted YouTube playlist.
How can I find clients if there are no major teams near me?
Athletes are everywhere! From country clubs to local sports shops, there are plenty of opportunities. The course includes strategies to reach these clients.
Is Teaching Yoga to Athletes geared to new teachers, or experienced teachers?
Everyone, including non–yoga teachers. But the more experience you have, the better, whether it’s as a yoga teacher, as a coach, or as a personal trainer or physical therapist. The course guides you through several exercises (with my feedback) to structure useful routines for athletes in various sports and at different stages in their training cycles. If you have experience teaching movement, great; if you only have experience doing movement, you are welcome, too. We go beyond the poses, as well, to create meditations and visualizations to help sharpen the mental game. Finally, we investigate the profession, covering questions on pricing, business structure, and marketing.
I don’t have a traveling yoga studio supply of mats, blocks, and equipment. Can I still take yoga to teams?
Oh, yes! Teaching yoga to athletes at their facility is like catering—when you think ahead, you can make do in any situation, even on a field or basketball court. In the course, I’ll share lesson plans for classes that don’t need any props at all.
Will I earn CEUs?
Yes! If you track Yoga Alliance CEUs, you can claim 30 for completing this course. (The amount of time you spend in the course and working with me can go far beyond 30 hours if you want to dig deep, but that’s the current maximum CEUs I can offer per YA guidelines.)
Does this count toward my 300/500 certification?
It will indeed, if you are doing your certification with me! If you are doing it elsewhere, I am happy to advocate for you with your teacher trainer.