Teaching Yoga to Athletes: Online vs. In Person

Oct 16, 2012

In January, I’ll repeat my intensive on teaching yoga to athletes at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in the Berkshires. We had a wonderful time last year and I’m already looking forward to this iteration of the intensive. I had a great question about the difference between the course there and my online offering. Here’s my answer:

The Kripalu training is a slightly condensed version of the online course. We have four three-hour sessions and six two-hour sessions there; in the five-day intensive we filmed in Carrboro, which I’ll repeat in the summer of 2013, we had five days where we met 9-5. That gave us more time for group work, which in the online course is homework, and for discussion and practice.

That said, the content is pretty similar. Tuition is lower at Kripalu, though the overall cost goes up when you add the room and board charges. And if you are interested in certification after attending the Kripalu course, you can buy the online certification component for $800, which would give you access, upon completing the homework, exam, and teaching video, to many more resource pages on working with various sports and injuries.

As you make your choice, consider how you learn best. Some students vastly prefer the live classroom setting, while others have logistical concerns that make online an appealing option.

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