Upcoming Continuing Education and Advanced Studies Workshops

Dec 6, 2021

We are delighted to return to live in-person trainings at Carolina Yoga Company‘s Carrboro studio! This first round is led by me and my excellent collaborator and coauthor, Alexandra DeSiato.

Each of these three workshops is designed for our new normal. We meet for nine hours in person (though we’re willing to consider a Zoom option for the eager folks who can’t make it to North Carolina), with homework to complete before and after our in-person/live meeting.

We currently require proof of vaccination to enter the studio. And for now, our county is under a mask mandate, so unless that lifts, these will be masked experiences. We promise you will be having so much fun you won’t notice!

Join us for:

  • Creative Flow: Foundations and Variations for Teaching Vinyasa Yoga with Alexandra DeSiato at Carrboro Yoga, January 29–30, 2022
  • Language Refinement: Clear Communication in Class with me at Carrboro Yoga, February 26–27, 2022
  • Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses: Theming Inspiring Yoga Classes with both me and Alexandra at Carrboro Yoga, March 26–27, 2022

As you might have guessed, this latter one is keyed to our book Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses and its corresponding online course, which you will receive gratis as homework if you sign up for the in-person training.

Each of these workshops offers 18 Yoga Alliance continuing education credits, and all of them are required modules in our Carolina Yoga Company 300-/500-hour advanced studies yoga teacher training. They are also open to any movement teacher. We think you’ll benefit most if you have a year of teaching under your belt, but all are welcome.

Read full descriptions and sign up for one or more of these fun experiences here.

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