Résumé Time

Résumé Time

With studios starting to reopen for in-person classes or looking for new online teachers, now is a good time to brush up or create your yoga teaching résumé—even if you aren’t currently teaching. And if you aren’t a yoga teacher, it’s still a good...
Newly Certified: Joy Zazzera

Newly Certified: Joy Zazzera

Meet Joy Zazzera, the most recently certified graduate of my Teaching Yoga to Athletes course! This is an especially happy introduction for me to make, as Joy is a special teacher who is uniquely sympathetic to the needs of athletes and anyone who could stand to chill...
A Word on Newsletters

A Word on Newsletters

As I confess in The Professional Yoga Teacher’s Handbook (now available for preorder and publishing September 15!), writing newsletters is one of my least-favorite tasks both as an author/yoga teacher and as a small business owner. But that doesn’t mean...