Newly Certified: Shelley Sams

Newly Certified: Shelley Sams

Meet Shelley Sams, one of the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teachers. Although she has been a student of ours at Carrboro Yoga, she’s now living in Malawi, where she teaches both locals and expatriates in Lilongwe. If you’re living there, you...
New: Core Strength for Real People: Reset Your Hips and Spine

New: Core Strength for Real People: Reset Your Hips and Spine

All the core exercises in the world are useless if you can’t balance your pelvis and spine. In these relaxing exercises, you’ll give the muscles that control movement of your hips and back a timeout. This brings them into harmony so your next core workout...
Sage Advice: Medical Emergencies in Class

Sage Advice: Medical Emergencies in Class

The first article I ever wrote for Yoga Journal gives advice to yoga teachers about how to deal with medical emergencies in class. Despite every studio’s and teacher’s efforts to create a safe environment, such medical emergencies do happen in yoga...
New: Core Strength for Real People: Reset Your Hips and Spine

New: Core Strength for Real People: Pinup Warmup

Want to move over the long weekend without having to stand up? Here’s a preview of my new Pinup Warmup sequence, which focuses on mobilization through the shoulders and spine and activation of the muscles that move the joints in the upper body. As a bonus,...

Not Too Late for Summer Intensives

Today feels like the first day of summer proper, as the first weekday with the kids out of school. If your summer isn’t booked down to the last minute, there’s still time to join me at one or more of these upcoming intensives: Yoga for Athletes: Balance,...