Not Too Late for Summer Intensives

Today feels like the first day of summer proper, as the first weekday with the kids out of school. If your summer isn’t booked down to the last minute, there’s still time to join me at one or more of these upcoming intensives: Yoga for Athletes: Balance,...

Newly Certified: Kirsten Larson

Meet Kirsten Larson, one of the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teachers. This beauty lives on the eastern side of the Research Triangle, but we’ll get to see lots of her at Carrboro Yoga as she moves through our teacher training. She’s already a...

Newly Certified: Tracey Turner-Keyser

Meet Tracey Turner-Keyser, one of the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teachers! In addition to being a wonderful yoga teacher, Tracey is also a high school running coach and a wonderful family therapist—this is a triple whammy of goodness in helping people...

Scheduled: Teaching Yoga to Athletes Intensive in North Carolina

The hometown version of my five-day intensive on teaching yoga to athletes will be Monday–Friday, July 17–21, this year. (You can also catch it at the 1440 Multiversity in Scotts Valley, California, Sunday–Friday, June 18–23, and online anytime at Sage Yoga Teacher...

Correct Dates for Sequencing: June 26–30

I’m reposting with the correct 2017 dates for Sequencing Yoga Classes from Welcome to Namaste—I’d incorrectly used the 2015 dates before! I do hope you’ll join on June 26 for a week of creative work. Yoga and movement teachers: when did you last take...

Scheduled: Sequencing Yoga Classes from Welcome to Namaste

Yoga and movement teachers: when did you last take plenty of time to play on your mat, create new sequences, collate them, and plan classes? Much of this work happens in small increments. Dedicate yourself to a full work week of creativity in Sequencing Yoga Classes...