Let’s Go, 2023

Dec 30, 2022

Friends, I hope the dawn of 2023 finds you well! I spent much of 2022 working on things that will emerge over the course of 2023 and 2024, including my tenth book. I will share more about that, and another book project—my first second edition—soon.

Other things I’m looking forward to in 2023:

Teaching, and doing, more Pilates. We have souped up our program at Carrboro Yoga with a Wednesday Pilates Fundamentals class and a Saturday class to match our Monday and Thursday offerings. If you are local, please join us! You can register here. If you aren’t local, check out my short, doable video series, Core Strength for Real People.

Leading continuing education workshops for movement teachers. One of the highlights of 2022 was getting back into the classroom with movement teachers. I led several workshops at home and at Kripalu, and more are on the docket for 2023, including a teachers’ retreat that Alexandra DeSiato and I are really pumped about. Plus I have upcoming workshops on teaching yin yoga, restorative yoga, balance classes, and yoga nidra. See the full schedule here. While I offer many online courses for yoga and movement teachers, there’s nothing that compares to the co-creation that happens when we are in the same place at the same time!

More spa! Construction is underway at the spa I co-own, Hillsborough Spa and Day Retreat, as we expand to a whole second level of the building with some amazing new treatment offerings. More on this as the buildout continues. For now, if you haven’t visited, it’s a perfect time to come recenter yourself at the spa, either with our fabulous treatments or with a day retreat, which gives you three hours to reconnect with your goals and intentions for the new year. Book here!

I hope your year gets off to a wonderful start and that you have great things ahead in 2023.

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