Meet the Cover: The Art of Yoga Sequencing

Jul 21, 2023

Here is the gorgeous final cover of my forthcoming book The Art of Yoga Sequencing!

Cover of THE ART OF YOGA SEQUENCING by Sage Rountree. Two models demonstrate yoga sequences.

The book will be published by North Atlantic Books on February 27, 2024. You can preorder it right now—and I’d be super grateful if you do, as preorders matter a whole lot to the ultimate success of a book.

You can find links to preorder at all your favorite bookstores here, and an affiliate link for Amazon (great if you’re a Kindle lover, as I am) here. And you can put in a preorder request at your local library now!

Here’s the back copy of the book:

An inclusive guide for yoga teachers and practitioners to create balanced movement sequences and well-rounded classes for all students.

Discover a unified theory for sequencing fresh, contemporary yoga and mindful-movement classes that reflect the diversity of modern practitioners.

Yoga instruction innovator Sage Rountree’s approach to teaching grows from a simple truth: bodies feel better when they move in many different ways and directions. And when they feel better, they work to make the world a freer, more liberated place.

But in a social-media fueled yoga scene that over-celebrates acrobatic, unrealistic poses, it’s easy for even the most experienced instructor to lose touch with their students. The fix is clear: Real students need simple lessons taught clearly. 

Yoga teacher, trainer, and bestselling author Sage Rountree draws on years of expert experience to offer a fresh, contemporary approach to yoga sequencing and mindful movement that reflects the diversity and meets the needs of the modern yogi.

The Art of Yoga Sequencing celebrates students of all kinds, styles, and levels. Grounded in exercise physiology while honoring yoga traditions, Rountree’s new offering includes:

  • Adaptable examples, templates, and preset lesson plans
  • 475 inclusive photos demonstrating over 35 full sequences
  • Actionable tips for increasing student accessibility
  • Creative ideas for props, lighting, music, and more

Whether you’re a current or aspiring teacher or advanced practitioner, you’ll find here every tool you need to create inspired yoga classes and home practices. Even if you teach in a set format—like at a franchise or strongly branded studio—this yoga tool kit will help you lead students along any path with a clarity that honors all bodies.

And here’s an excerpt that I think speaks to the philosophy behind the book, and my philosophy on asana and movement and body autonomy in general:

Underscoring our approach in this book is a belief in and celebration of the resilience, adaptability, and strength in each of us. Instead of listing things not to do, or things not to tell your students to do, I will suggest a lot of different things you and they might like to do, and I will trust you and them to make choices that best work for each of you, depending on your personal taste, needs, and intuition. Let’s move from a language of fear to a language of festivity: how wonderful our bodies are! How capable! How changeable! And how glorious it is to make our own choices about what we do with them!

I can’t wait to share this book with you! If you can’t wait either, you’ll get a good preview in my Sequence Library, including a totally-free unit on warmup sequences that will also give you lots of ideas for your next gentle yoga class. See it here!

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