New Yoga Hires in a Pandemic

Feb 1, 2021

While the yoga industry has been turned upside down by the pandemic, at Carolina Yoga Company, we have hired more new yoga teachers since March 2020 than in the previous year. These new folks come both from our yoga teacher training and from people who have recently moved to town. If you’re looking to teach in a new setting, you might find that the demand is higher than you expected.

In The Professional Yoga Teacher’s Handbook, I give advice on getting a new teaching gig in various settings—a gym, a studio, online. I hope you’ll buy the book (or ebook, or audiobook) and find it useful. My advice boils down to this:

  • Show up. Don’t just blanket email all studios in your area, take the time to go to the studio, or to take their online classes. This both demonstrates your interest and lets you confirm that the fit is good on your end, too. Inquiries from teachers who’ve never visited our studio are often given a polite brush-off with an invite to come check us out to get a sense of our vibe.
  • Meet a need. Take a careful look at the venue’s current offerings, then show where your unique skillset will complement them. If you have a niche, lead with that. Let your hiring manager know how you can help solve a problem or shore up a hole in the schedule.

As a bonus, whether you are applying to teach in person or online, a link to a video of you teaching is a smart addition. It replaces the in-person audition some venues would require as part of the interview process. Your hiring manager can quickly get a sense of your energy and skill. It’s also a chance to demonstrate your video production savvy.

Making moves to do this now will position you well as class size grows across 2021. And you’ll be offering much-needed centering and grounding to your new students!

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