Newly Certified: Alix Blair and Tracy Kim

Feb 18, 2015

Congratulations to the most recently certified students to finish my Teaching Yoga to Athletes course! Certification is a detailed process that involves in-depth study, mentorship, and work beyond the course content, as well as a written exam and submission and critique of a teaching video. By the end, both I and the student teacher are very confident in their abilities to serve athletes of all sports and levels.

Alix Blair, Fran Morfesis, and Alexandra DeSiato

Alix Blair, Fran Morfesis, and Alexandra DeSiato

Alix Blair has just moved to Berkeley, California, though we got to enjoy her company for many years here in North Carolina, as she graduated from our yoga teacher training and taught at our studios while in graduate school. (That’s Alix at the left, one day when she assisted me in teaching UNC’s football team.) Alix teaches in a joyful style that lets her love for the practice  shine through. She takes special interest in rock climbing, running, and surfing, though students at any level and athletes in any sport will really enjoy her heartfelt teaching. She’s also a filmmaker—check out her big project, Farmer Veteran, here. E-mail Alix to learn more about her offerings in the East Bay Area.

Me and Tracy Kim

Me and Tracy Kim

Tracy Kim lives in Seattle, Washington, where I got to spend some time with her in person last year (that’s her at right). Tracy has fantastic energy that suits her work with high school athletes. In her teaching video, she effortlessly taught a full gym of wrestlers at the end of their practice and commanded their complete attention. It was a thing of beauty to watch! Visit Tracy’s website at

Find all the certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teachers here, and read more about the program and my other online course at Sage Yoga Teacher Training.


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