Meet Amanda Frayeh, the most recently certified teacher to graduate from my Teaching Yoga to Athletes course! Amanda took the content side of the course at Kripalu in 2019, then joined me in January 2020 as my assistant. While that seems like ages ago, it was only six months (whoa). In between and since, she’s been moving toward certification while working full-time as a yoga teacher, and now adapting to this new world of distance teaching.

Amanda has an impeccable skill set as a teacher to athletes. She played college soccer at Warren Wilson in western North Carolina, and still plays recreational soccer. In addition, she’s a distance runner.
Amanda also holds a PhD in sport and exercise psychology and is an expert on kinesiology. I love working with her, since she sees how sport psychology and yoga philosophy intersect, and she packages it all in a really accessible yet deep way.
“Accessible yet deep” is a good description of Amanda’s teaching. It’s 100 percent grounded in what athletes think and feel, then delivered in ways that make the practice seem specific and tailored to the individual player as well as universal. She’s a wonderful teacher!

One of the upsides of the pandemic lockdowns is that you can study with high-quality teachers from anywhere. Amanda has lots of great online content for soccer players and athletes of every stripe. Find it all at her website, https://amandafrayeh.offeringtree.com. If you play or coach soccer and want a custom-tailored program, ask Amanda! And if you are in Minneapolis once things open up, search out her in-person class. It’s well worth your time.
If you’d like to join Amanda as an expert in teaching yoga to athletes, start your work on the course at Sage Yoga Teacher Training. The lectures have all been freshly updated, so you’ll be getting the most recent content!