Newly Certified: Jeanine Encizo

Feb 19, 2016


Meet Jeanine Encizo, the most recent certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teacher! Jeanine came to yoga as a longtime runner, competitive in both cross-country and track. Like many of us, she found the yoga asana practice to be a lovely complement to the miles she was putting in. Her clear teaching reflects her experience and sweet sense of humor—she knows athletes have particular needs and abilities (and, yes, limitations), and she meets her students where they are.

Jeanine is in New York City, where she runs a freelance design company, Freebird Design Studio. It’s fun to see how she is applying what she learned in the Teaching Yoga to Athletes course to any habitual movement pattern—whether it’s running, sketching, or other creativity. Reach her at to see how she can help you feel great.


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