Not Too Late for Summer Intensives

Jun 12, 2017

Today feels like the first day of summer proper, as the first weekday with the kids out of school. If your summer isn’t booked down to the last minute, there’s still time to join me at one or more of these upcoming intensives:

Yoga for Athletes: Balance, Strength, Flexibility, and Focus
1440 Multiversity, Scotts Valley, CA
Friday, June 16–Sunday, June 18

Are you ready to take your game to the next level? Yoga’s emphasis on form, focus, and breath will make you a better, well-rounded athlete. Learn how yoga complements mental and physical training, translating into increased balance and enjoyment in your sport and your life.

Read more and register →

Teaching Yoga to Athletes
1440 Multiversity, Scotts Valley, CA
Sunday, June 18–Friday, June 23

This five-day intensive on yoga for sports training is designed for yoga teachers interested in working with athletes of all sports. It will also be useful for coaches, PE teachers, and personal trainers. Learn about the philosophy, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, and profession of teaching yoga to athletes.

Read more and register →

Sequencing Yoga Classes from Welcome to Namaste
Carrboro Yoga Company, Carrboro/Chapel Hill, NC
Monday, June 25–Friday, June 29

This workshop, designed for yoga teachers from any tradition, will give you concrete techniques to craft, teach, and reflect on sequences that will keep your students safe, healthy, and inspired. You’ll leave both with the framework to continue designing fun, useful sequences and with a full list of sequences you can begin using in your classes immediately.

Read more and register →

Teaching Yoga to Athletes
Carrboro Yoga Company, Carrboro/Chapel Hill, NC
Monday, July 17–Friday, July 21

This five-day intensive on yoga for sports training is designed for yoga teachers interested in working with athletes of all sports. It will also be useful for coaches, PE teachers, and personal trainers. Learn about the philosophy, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, and profession of teaching yoga to athletes.

Read more and register →

Advanced Studies Yoga Teacher Training

The five-day intensives are part of Carolina Yoga Company’s advanced studies yoga teacher training. If your summer is especially free, it’s not too late to sign up and complete a large chunk of the requirements for your 500-hour yoga teacher training designation with Yoga Alliance. Read more and register →

Sage Yoga Teacher Training

Can’t travel, but ready to deepen your understanding? Check out the online courses at Sage Yoga Teacher Training, including Teaching Yoga to Athletes, Sequencing Yoga Classes from Welcome to Namaste, and more. Read more and sign up →

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