If your 2020 needs more yoga in it already, it’s not too late to join me for one or both of these workshops I’m leading at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in western Massachusetts later this month:
- Yoga for Athletes: Strength, Flexibility, and Focus—the eleventh year I’ve offered this program in January. People repeat the program regularly, so if you’ve done it before, please join us again Friday–Sunday, January 24–26. We have some sweet alumni returning this year!
- Teaching Yoga to Athletes, Sunday–Friday, January 26–31. You’ll get a discount if you sign up for both! If you are a teacher who can make only the weekend, I’m happy to chat with you about ways to reverse engineer what you learn in the weekend so you can help your athletic students better.
The assistant for both is Amanda Frayeh, whose expertise in both kinesiology and sport psychology, along with her warm sense of humor, will elevate the programs substantially! Read more about Amanda here.
Find details on both workshops and excerpts from my work at my Kripalu presenter page. I look forward to seeing you there!