Now Available: Audiobook of The Professional Yoga Teacher’s Handbook

Sep 15, 2020

If you like to listen to your books and want to be the best yoga teacher you can be, today is your lucky day: the audiobook version of The Professional Yoga Teacher’s Handbook is now available! You can buy it here in CD format, or listen on Audible.

This book especially lends itself to audio format. It’s all the advice I have to give teachers, written in a conversational format. I had a great time reading it—including doing some voices!—and I hope you enjoy listening to it.

If you do, or if you have read the book and enjoyed it, I’d be very grateful for a five-star rating and, better yet, a review on AmazonGoodreadsPowell’s, or wherever you like to review books. It makes a huge difference for sales and for getting the book into the hands of people who would benefit from it. So does telling your colleagues and yoga teacher trainers about the book. Thank you!

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