Now Available: Professionalism

Jan 15, 2014

crop profMy latest online course for yoga and movement teachers is Professionalism, produced at the Carrboro Yoga Company in October as part of our 500-hour teacher training. This course includes candid discussion about career decisions, the ins and outs of being a yoga teacher and freelancer, and dealing with studios and students. We encourage you to work on setting intentions and goals for your teaching and career, whatever your ideal situation may be, from volunteering once a week to making teaching your full-time job.

I’m happy to introduce my business partner, Lies Sapp, as a coteacher of this course. Lies has decades of experience as a trial lawyer and does a beautiful job managing the back end of the studio business, including implementing clear systems for dealing with money—something yoga teachers often shy away from. You’ll benefit immensely from hearing what she has to say about money, the law, and all the things you might rather not think about but really need to.

To read about the course from the students’ perspective, check out these lovely testimonials. My favorite feedback of all came from the videographer and sound tech. Both were actively listening to and learning from all the business advice, and they told us they were excited to plan new approaches to their freelance work!

Being professional is a moving target. Situations constantly come our way at the studio that make us pause and consider the highest, best course of action. Join us in thinking through how we can nurture healthy relationships with our selves, our students, and our places of business. We’ll all benefit.

Full details and signup here.

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