Now Available: Sequencing Yoga Classes from Welcome to Namaste

Oct 23, 2013

Sequencing Header

It’s been a busy year, between production of Racing Wisely and its forthcoming audiobook and our ongoing work at the studios to build a great community led by well-trained, experienced yoga teachers. In August, I taught a course on sequencing roughly modeled on The Athlete’s Pocket Guide to Yoga and its flipbook approach (detailed in this post I wrote for prAna and the Yoga Alliance). Now, it’s available as an online yoga teacher training! No matter what your background, you’ll learn an approach to sequence classes that keep your students balanced and safe while engaging your creativity on the fly. If you’ve ever been perplexed by class planning or frozen in the face of a student population with assorted needs, this course will have you feeling confident, prepared, and excited to help your students feel connected, balanced, and content.

I’m really pleased at the demand and enthusiastic reception of my online Yoga for Athletes Teacher Training and Certification, and I’m excited to reach an even broader range of teachers with this offering. The video is attractive, the audio is clear, and the yoga sequence library is going to be really useful for both newly minted and experienced teachers.

Read more and sign up!

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