Recommended Books: Chakras for Creativity and Wild Yoga

Mar 3, 2023

Two excellent books I had the pleasure of blurbing: Chakras for Creativity by Jilly Shipway and Wild Yoga by Rebecca Wildbear.

Just because my teaching is grounded in the practical doesn’t mean I disavow the more metaphysical and mystical elements of yoga! Each of these books will guide you toward better connection with yourself and the planet and universe.

Jilly’s book includes not only prompts for creativity but also ideas for walking meditation, which delighted me. Similarly, Rebecca’s book will encourage you to observe the natural world as a tool for self-knowledge.

Pick them up at your favorite local bookseller or through the affiliate links below—or best of all, order them at your local library! When you love them, be sure to review them on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Goodreads. These reviews mean the world to authors.

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