enjoy a free at-home retreat

Need a reset? Give me your email address and you’ll immediately get:

  • a free two-day mini-retreat: a code to save all $39 of the enrollment in Two Days to Transformation
  • in Two Days to Transformation, everything you need to make positive change over a weekend—and all for free
  • the free guide, “Reclaim Your Time”
  • ongoing advice on ways to amp up your self-care to benefit you and everyone around you

Pop your best email address in this form and let’s get started growing.

retreat from anywhere in the world

Join this guided at-home yoga and wellness retreat with Sage Rountree and Lies Sapp, co-owners of Carrboro Yoga and Hillsborough Spa and Day Retreat. Registration for the next cohort opens in July 2024!

and once you’ve subscribed . . .

I challenge you to unsubscribe to any and everything you find weighing down your inbox. Make space for exactly what you want to spend your attention and time on!

Here’s how:

Read more tips in this article on the Wirecutter.

Two Months to Transformation

This add-on extends Two Weeks to Transformation to last for two months. We’ll lead you deeper in your self-care practices and habit resets, while giving you lots of treats.