Snow and the Small Business, Part 2

Jan 8, 2017

We did get snow: an inch or two on top of three inches of a snow/sleet mix, all of which is now tamped down into sheets of ice along the parking lots and secondary roads (and spots of main roads, too). I’m keeping busy postponing series and our weekday yoga teacher training—two spots remain, and we start January 17 now! We did get to put our money where our mouths are by visiting Panciuto in Hillsborough before the snow arrived. If only we could have walked over—Saturday night they offered family-style dining at the community table.

Dara, our director at Hillsborough Spa and Day Retreat, lives just around the corner from the building, so she is ready to open for anyone who wants to nestle in to the sauna! Book online or call her at 919-617-1814.

Meanwhile, I’ve cancelled all classes at Carrboro Yoga, Durham Yoga, and Hillsborough Yoga through Tuesday at noon, when the temp will be reliably above freezing. Our suggestions for enjoying yoga from home:

Wes is at Rue Cler and reports a full house for brunch (beignets!). Thanks for supporting your small local businesses extra hard in the next few days.

Friday’s forecast high: 70 degrees.

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