Summer Preview: Yoga Teacher Trainings

Apr 15, 2015

Summer in a college town like Chapel Hill, NC, is glorious. Parking is abundant, and beer trucks don’t block the downtown streets. The sun is up early; evenings are sultry and lovely; and summer sublets are easy to find with two-thirds of the population out of town. So come join me for one or more of these wonderful offerings at Carrboro Yoga.

To deepen your yoga practice and learn to teach:

rp_zap092.jpgJoin our 200-hour yoga teacher training intensive. Immerse yourself in yoga’s history, structure, and philosophy as we study the major styles practiced in America today. Our three-week intensive runs July 18–August 9. Whether you plan to teach or not, you’ll gain a rich understanding of yoga and its role in your life. Last year’s program included a rising college freshman, an ex-lawyer, and everyone in between! Read more here and feel free to send me your questions (and applications). If the intensive doesn’t work, we also offer an eight-month program during the school year.

To hone your teaching skills in advanced study:

Our 500-hour advanced studies yoga teacher training helps teachers of all backgrounds refine their teaching skills. Deepen your understanding of pedagogy, philosophy, and professionalism to better serve your students and your community. This year, we are offering several of the modules in a summer intensive format, which means you can be virtually done with your coursework by summer’s end! These modules are also open to the public—and we give retroactive credit for them, so if you later apply to the advanced studies training, you’ll get credit for them:

  • The Energetic Body with my colleague Mira Shani, June 20–21
  • Sequencing Yoga Classes from Welcome to Namaste with me, June 22–27. This is also available online anytime at Sage Yoga Teacher Training.
  • Our core curriculum with Mira, June 27–July 10, with each unit also available à la carte:
    • Alignment, Part 1, June 27–28
    • Alignment, Part 2, June 29–30
    • Assists, Part 1, July 1–2
    • Assists, Part 2, July 5–6
    • Theme Integration, July 7–8
    • Language Refinement, July 9–10
  • Yoga and Positive Psychology with the wonderful Michael Johnson, July 10–12.
  • Yoga for Athletes Five-Day Teacher’s Intensive with me, July 13–17.

All of these are listed on the Continuing Education page at Carrboro Yoga.

Me, Mira, and program administrator Lies Sapp

Me, Mira, and program administrator Lies Sapp

To specialize in teaching yoga to athletes:

Every summer, a fantastic group of colleagues from around the world come enjoy a week of work together. Several then sign up for our advanced studies training, and many go on to certification in Sage Yoga for Athletes. The five-day intensive (also available online anytime at Sage Yoga Teacher Training) covers the philosophy, physiology, psychology, pedagogy, and profession of teaching yoga to athletes of all sports and levels. Read more and sign up here!

IMG_0072If you aren’t a yoga teacher, know that coaches and personal trainers also regularly enjoy the five-day intensive. If you aren’t a yoga teacher but would like to be, combine this five-day with the three-week 200-hour yoga teacher training, which starts the day after the five-day intensive ends—in a month, you’ll be on your way toward helping athletes feel and perform better!

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