For several years, we’ve been offering three formats of our 200-hour yoga teacher training at Carolina Yoga Company: our eight-month one-weekend-a-month format, a three-week summer intensive format, and a nine-week weekday daytime format. Because we expect social...
Once you’ve been practicing yoga for a while, you may feel the call to teach it or to learn more about the practice in the context of a teacher training. The first step is typically a 200-hour training. At Carolina Yoga, we’ve been offering these since...
I dressed for radio! This morning, I had the fun pleasure of visiting WCHL, our local station, to talk about Carrboro Yoga with legendary broadcaster Ron Stutts. (Ron looks just like he sounds, I think!) You can listen here to hear about Carrboro Yoga’s...
Since the spring, Carrboro Yoga has been condensed to one room as we prepare to move out of Carr Mill Mall, where we spent our first 15 years. Happily, that move is coming Monday, September 9! If you’re reading this after that day, you will find us at South...
Summer is coming! As it’s an odd-numbered year, we are offering Carolina Yoga Company’s advanced studies teacher training, aka our 500-hour YTT, aka a 300-hour YTT. (The Yoga Alliance recognizes your 200-hour YTT plus this 300-hour training to make you a...