Tag: massage
The Absence of Stress ≠ the Presence of Recovery
Much of my work is selling the concept of recovery. My weekly Yoga for Athletes classes have a little bit of movement, mostly focused on balance, but the majority of class is an opportunity for Type A athletes to practice being still, quiet, and relaxed. This can be hard, and it’s the most important thing…
Grand Opening Reception: Hillsborough Spa and Day Retreat
I like to fancy myself the expert on not working out. I wrote a whole book on it, The Athlete’s Guide to Recovery. Attention to self-care is a critical part of the stress/rest balance. Without stress, you never grow; without rest, you never grow, either, because rest is where the adaptation to stress takes place. If you’re looking…
Now Open: Hillsborough Spa and Day Retreat
What a joy this is to share: a place to unplug, refill your well, and tune in to your higher self. Hillsborough Spa and Day Retreat is now open at 1814 Beckett’s Ridge Drive, Hillsborough, North Carolina. It’s just above the Hillsborough Yoga Company, which means you can have a wonderful day of exploring the…
Read: The Triathlete’s Guide to Massage
One of the sweetest parts of my job is researching recovery modalities, from napping to restorative yoga to massage. A current hypothesis is that it’s impossible to get too much massage; I’m deep in data collection. You need a massage, too. Here’s a piece I wrote for Ironman.com on massage for triathletes, but massage is…