Meet Vicky Tu, the most recently certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teacher! Vicky worked through the course in short order during the pandemic shutdown. Her day job is in R&D at a major corporation in Kansas City. Because she holds a PhD in neuroscience, Vicky is...
Meet Joy Zazzera, the most recently certified graduate of my Teaching Yoga to Athletes course! This is an especially happy introduction for me to make, as Joy is a special teacher who is uniquely sympathetic to the needs of athletes and anyone who could stand to chill...
Meet Jennifer Schell, a newly certified graduate of my online course, Teaching Yoga to Athletes! Jennifer started with the content side of the course and collected her homework as she went along, then submitted it all to me when she upgraded to certification. This is...
Meet Amanda Frayeh, the most recently certified teacher to graduate from my Teaching Yoga to Athletes course! Amanda took the content side of the course at Kripalu in 2019, then joined me in January 2020 as my assistant. While that seems like ages ago, it was only six...
Meet Tyra Clemmenson, the most recently certified teacher to graduate from my Teaching Yoga to Athletes course! Tyra Clemmenson (12) of the Wake Forest Demon Deacons brings the ball up the field during second half action against the Davidson Wildcats at Belk Turf...