Tag: Sage yoga teacher training
Early Bird through June 1: 200-Hour Summer Intensive YTT
in TeachingIf your relationship to your yoga practice has shifted over the last few years, it may be time for you to embark on yoga teacher training! At Carolina Yoga Company, we offer three formats of our 200-hour YTT, held at Carrboro Yoga. All of them are coming up in the next calendar year: Three-week summer…
Newly Certified: Jennifer Schell
Meet Jennifer Schell, a newly certified graduate of my online course, Teaching Yoga to Athletes! Jennifer started with the content side of the course and collected her homework as she went along, then submitted it all to me when she upgraded to certification. This is a smart way to move through the training if you…
For Yoga Teachers: A Self-Assessment Bonanza
Are you sick of yourself yet? Me, too. Not only am I getting a lot of enforced downtime to watch my brain and all its patterns, I’m using the shutdown to record fresh video lectures for my main online course, Teaching Yoga to Athletes.* This means I spend several hours a day literally watching myself.…
Kripalu Preview: Meet Amanda Frayeh
Meet Amanda Frayeh, PhD, who joins me at Kripalu in January 2020 for two workshops: Yoga for Athletes and Teaching Yoga to Athletes. You’ll benefit from her work in sport psychology and kinesiology, as well as her excellent sense of humor!
Newly Certified: Beth Marek
Meet Beth Marek! Beth is the most recently certified teacher to graduate from my Teaching Yoga to Athletes course. She lives in El Paso, Texas, where she works as a climbing guide and yoga teacher. Beth came to yoga as a runner—she ran at Davidson College, down the road from me in North Carolina. Like…
New Online Course: Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses
Alexandra DeSiato and I are pleased to introduce Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses, an online workbook course to accompany our new book of the same title. It’s housed at Sage Yoga Teacher Training, alongside my other online courses for movement teachers. (Explore them all!) In this course, as in the book, we offer you down-to-earth…
Newly Certified: Deanna Velazquez
Meet Deanna Velazquez, one of the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teachers. Deanna has a deep well of expertise in fitness. She has worked as a group fitness instructor, a personal trainer, and of course a yoga teacher. She’s lived in a range of interesting places, too, from Alaska to Austin to, briefly, Raleigh,…
Summer Camp for Yoga Teachers
Summer is coming! As it’s an odd-numbered year, we are offering Carolina Yoga Company’s advanced studies teacher training, aka our 500-hour YTT, aka a 300-hour YTT. (The Yoga Alliance recognizes your 200-hour YTT plus this 300-hour training to make you a 500-hour-trained teacher.) We offer our introductory teacher training in an intensive format in even-numbered…
Newly Certified: Cristina Lizarazo
Meet Cristina, the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teacher. She offers classes and private lessons in Oakville, Ontario.
Read: Yoga for Athletes Is Not Athletic Yoga
I wrote a post for the Kripalu blog outlining my approach to yoga for athletes. It’s summed up in the title: it’s not athletic yoga! Instead, it’s yoga to complement what we do in training. To put it succinctly, yoga for athletes is not necessarily athletic yoga. It certainly can be: At various points in…
Coming Spring 2019: Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses
Last week, Alexandra and I turned in the manuscript for our second coauthored book, Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses: A Practical Workbook for Integrating Themes, Ideas, and Inspiration into Your Class. (Preorder it on Amazon here!) We designed this book for yoga teachers of every style, background, and level of experience; it would also be of…
Newly Certified: Alison Whelan
Meet Alison Whelan, the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teacher. Alison lives in New York City, where she teaches yoga full time and runs a nonprofit called Breathe and Believe Yoga, focused on bringing yoga to those who would otherwise be unable to access the practice. A lifelong athlete, Alison played lacrosse in college before…