Early Bird through June 1: 200-Hour Summer Intensive YTT

Early Bird through June 1: 200-Hour Summer Intensive YTT

If your relationship to your yoga practice has shifted over the last few years, it may be time for you to embark on yoga teacher training! At Carolina Yoga Company, we offer three formats of our 200-hour YTT, held at Carrboro Yoga. All of them are coming up in the...
Newly Certified: Jennifer Schell

Newly Certified: Jennifer Schell

Meet Jennifer Schell, a newly certified graduate of my online course, Teaching Yoga to Athletes! Jennifer started with the content side of the course and collected her homework as she went along, then submitted it all to me when she upgraded to certification. This is...
For Yoga Teachers: A Self-Assessment Bonanza

For Yoga Teachers: A Self-Assessment Bonanza

Are you sick of yourself yet? Me, too. Not only am I getting a lot of enforced downtime to watch my brain and all its patterns, I’m using the shutdown to record fresh video lectures for my main online course, Teaching Yoga to Athletes.* This means I spend...
Kripalu Preview: Meet Amanda Frayeh

Kripalu Preview: Meet Amanda Frayeh

I’m delighted to introduce Amanda Frayeh, who’ll be my assistant for Yoga for Athletes and Teaching Yoga to Athletes at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in January! (Read all about the workshops and register here.) Amanda took the five-day...
Newly Certified: Beth Marek

Newly Certified: Beth Marek

Meet Beth Marek! Beth is the most recently certified teacher to graduate from my Teaching Yoga to Athletes course. She lives in El Paso, Texas, where she works as a climbing guide and yoga teacher. Beth came to yoga as a runner—she ran at Davidson College, down the...