Runners: your tight hamstrings should be a badge of pride, not of shame! They are an effect of your training to deliver maximum power. You need stiffness to be an efficient runner. What’s more, you don’t need a ton of flexibility to run well. Unless you...
I really fell in love with granola at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health, and I still eat it every morning every day I’m there, and most days at home. Yoga Journal asked for my recipe, which appeared in their September issue. It’s online now—check it...
The third piece in my series of yoga to do before, during, and after your run—all excerpts from the second edition of The Runner’s Guide to Yoga—is up at Yoga Journal. When your run has been easy, or even moderate, you can move right into a quick practice, and,...
You’ll find another excerpt from The Runner’s Guide to Yoga at Yoga Journal. This one is about yoga to do during your run. Doing yoga during a run doesn’t have to mean stopping to strike a pose mid-stride. While the strength, flexibility, and balance you...
The second edition of The Runner’s Guide to Yoga is now available! It features updated photographs in addition to the originals, all of which depict real (and some really fast) runners in realistic expressions of poses real athletes can conceivably do and...