Now Available: Professionalism

My latest online course for yoga and movement teachers is Professionalism, produced at the Carrboro Yoga Company in October as part of our 500-hour teacher training. This course includes candid discussion about career decisions, the ins and outs of being a yoga...

Now Available: Sequencing Yoga Classes from Welcome to Namaste

It’s been a busy year, between production of Racing Wisely and its forthcoming audiobook and our ongoing work at the studios to build a great community led by well-trained, experienced yoga teachers. In August, I taught a course on sequencing roughly modeled...

Online Course Tour

It was a treat to play with recording and editing this tour of my online course on teaching yoga to athletes. The sound isn’t perfect, but never fear: the sound is great in the actual course videos. Enjoy—and let me know what questions you have about the...

Yoga Teacher Training at Carrboro Yoga

I’m in love with this photo from the penultimate weekend of our 2012–13 yoga teacher training at Carrboro Yoga. (Thanks to Elizabeth Matteson of  Inner Voice Wellness for taking it!) In this exercise, we map some of the bony landmarks in the body using dry-erase...