The Workshop Workshop

A Surefire, Step-by-Step Method for Helping Students through Yoga and Movement Workshops

Yoga and movement teachers, are you:

  • excited to help your students beyond the bounds of the regular class?
  • eager to share your favorite topics with your students in workshop format, but unsure about where and how to begin?
  • ready to plan your first or your next yoga workshop with personal feedback from an experienced mentor who’s seen a lot on both the student, presenter, and host side of the workshop scenario

Start right here today with the Workshop Workshop, an online workbook course with my expert mentorship that will pay for itself in no time.

I’m Sage Rountree—hi! I am:

  • a professional yoga teacher who’s led many dozens of workshops over two decades
  • a yoga studio owner who’s booked presenters for over a decade
  • author of The Professional Yoga Teacher’s Handbook, among many books on teaching

In this course, you’ll benefit from my twenty-plus years of teaching experience—including teaching workshops and leading retreats around the world—and my dozen-plus years of running a yoga studio that hosts workshops of all kinds.

In the last twenty years, I’ve led workshops that:

  • drew international students from as far away as Hong Kong and Sweden
  • pulled in five figures in a week
  • helped students do everything from getting into handstand to relaxing fully to completing 500-hour yoga trainings and writing books on yoga

You’ll also learn from my experience on the other side of the workshop equation. In my dozen years as owner of Carrboro Yoga Company, I’ve hosted outside workshops and led yoga teacher trainings that netted six figures. So I know the business backward and forward!

If you have big ambitions of serving your students well, but aren’t quite sure where to start, the Workshop Workshop is for you.

In the Workshop Workshop, not only will you receive my step-by-step method of planning fantastic workshops and series, you’ll also get direct oversight and mentorship from me. By the end of the course, you will have a workshop totally packaged and ready to place at your dream location, whether that’s a studio, an online site, or a remote retreat venue.

What You’ll Learn

In this interactive workbook course with my direct mentorship, you’ll nail down the who, what, where, why, when, and how of:

  • creating
  • placing
  • marketing
  • teaching and
  • refining successful workshops

You’ll plan what will help your students best, from one-hour sessions to weeklong intensives to retreats to ongoing series.

Follow along and create a wonderful workshop step by step as you go.

Share your work with me for advice, proofreading, and mentorship all along the way. (This is a steal for you: I’d typically charge the price of this course itself just to review and edit the materials you generated on your own! But you won’t be on your own— you’ll have my easy-to-follow roadmap and lots of examples to build on.)

You’ll finish with a fully developed offering to benefit both your students and your own career. Taking this course pays for itself in no time! You can expect to earn back the course price when you lead your first workshop.

You’ll learn all about:

  • finding your niche as a yoga teacher
  • choosing a topic that will help students
  • targeting the right time and place for this workshop
  • writing a description that will encourage students to sign up
  • creating a lesson plan and resources to provide students lasting value
  • placing the workshop at the right venue
  • contracts, splits, and best business practices
  • developing a marketing plan
  • refining and expanding your workshop offerings
  • building ongoing series
  • offering retreats

Whether you are frozen at the thought of offering a workshop or looking for ways to expand your current workshop offerings, you’ll find immediately useful and inspiring information so you can to get to work right away at building the career of your dreams while helping others.

How You’ll Learn It

When you sign up for the course, you’ll receive:

  • Instant, lifetime access to 80+ minutes of friendly video presentation across five robust units (value: $299)
  • A customized workbook with the exact prompts and templates that will help you plot every minute of your offering, making it as helpful to students as it can be (value: $99)
  • Sample contracts so that everything is buttoned down and mutually beneficial for you, your students, and your host venue (value: $99)
  • Savvy promotion plans to ensure your workshop is packed with eager students happy to be there (value: $99)

Together, this course, worth $596, is everything you need to offer well-planned, high-quality workshops to benefit your students and your career.

Plus, you’ll get:

  • My direct mentorship and feedback! Not only will I help you refine your pitch and lesson plan, I’ll share unique advice from my perspective as both a presenter and a studio owner. The value: $800.
  • Six Yoga Alliance CEUs for your own continuing education tracking
  • Bonus materials, including a model for developing your own specialized workshop offerings form (value: $99)

Work at your own pace and at a time that’s convenient for you. Then use your lifetime access to review the materials at your leisure. And I’m here as your sounding board!

The course offers $596 of value, plus $899 in bonuses, for a total of $1,495 in value.

But I sell it for only $397—and it will pay for itself in the first workshop you lead!


This course comes with two guarantees:

  1. A 7-day unconditional refund. If you change your mind about the course in the first seven days, simply ask and I’ll personally refund your money in full.
  2. A 21-day good-faith money-back guarantee. Start moving through the course and following the prompts. If you aren’t delighted with your plans to help your students and excited about how what you learn is going to grow your career, just show me that you have done the work and I will personally refund your money.

This course is for:

  • ✅ teachers of any level of experience who are eager to help students better
  • ✅ teachers of any movement modality and style
  • ✅ teachers who are unsure about how to help students, or what kind of workshop to offer, but eager to try
  • ✅ teachers who know a good classroom experience starts with lots of clear planning
  • ✅ teachers who know having an expert mentor is the fast track to success

This course is not for:

  • ❌ teachers who think they already know it all
  • ❌ teachers who want a one-size-fits-all workshop plan handed to them
  • ❌ teachers who prioritize their career over their students’ well-being

Ready to level up?

Let’s go! You can get started right away.

Have questions? Drop me a line at I’m here to help!