Yoga Nidra Practice and Teacher Training

Nov 11, 2022

On Friday, November 18, I’ll lead a pop-up Yoga Nidra class at Carrboro Yoga. We start at 6 p.m. Yoga Nidra is a guided relaxation that leads you through the layers of your being with the goal of accessing bliss. If savasana is your favorite part of yoga class, you’ll love it. Come ready to relax and dressed in layers to promote maximum coziness. There’s no movement beyond an optional short get-the-wiggles-out few minutes at the start.

Regular class rates apply and preregistration is required. Sign up here.

If you’re interested in leading others in such practices, I’ve got a weekend teacher training in North Carolina scheduled for October 2023. If you’re a long-term planner, you can sign up now!

Read all about it and register here.

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