Yoga Tag

Dec 6, 2008

In the last few months, I’ve explored a few new options for social networking (read: procrastinating from other work). I’ve enjoyed learning to use Facebook (friend/fan me!), and I’m really having fun with Twitter (follow me!). What better way to quickly alert my friends that I’m now the proud owner of a Jeff Burton NASCAR Crock Pot, or to confess that I now have a deep bruise on my belly after meeting the business end of my resistance band when it wasn’t properly anchored in the doorframe?

Another networking site I’ve tried is just out of beta and ready for you to sign up. Yoga Tag gives teachers an easy-to-use interface for posting schedules, biographies, and even blog, and it lets you, the students, quickly find classes in a certain style, studio, or region. It is very simple, aesthetically pleasing, and convenient. Check it out and create a profile. You can find me here.

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