Category: Human Interest
Newly Certified: Deanna Velazquez
Meet Deanna Velazquez, one of the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teachers. Deanna has a deep well of expertise in fitness. She has worked as a group fitness instructor, a personal trainer, and of course a yoga teacher. She’s lived in a range of interesting places, too, from Alaska to Austin to, briefly, Raleigh,…
Book Event: Greensboro Bound
If you’re in or near the Piedmont Triad, please join Alexandra DeSiato and me at Greensboro Bound on May 19. We’ll be talking about our cowriting process and our latest book, Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses, and we will lead some street-clothes-friendly, mat-free yoga for festivalgoers. No tickets required, but if you want to see…
Pub Day Book Event: Flyleaf Books
Please join Alexandra DeSiato and me on Tuesday, May 14, to celebrate the release of our book Teaching Yoga Beyond the Poses. We will be at our favorite local bookstore, Flyleaf Books in Chapel Hill. Starting at 7:00 p.m., we’ll talk about our cowriting process, discuss ways to add depth to movement classes, and offer…
Newly Certified: Cristina Lizarazo
Meet Cristina, the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teacher. She offers classes and private lessons in Oakville, Ontario.
Good News: New Studio Site
I’m happy to share some good news. First, to catch you up on the bad news: Carrboro Yoga Company was forced out of its iconic Paper Lantern Room at the end of February, so for now we are holding all classes in our also-iconic Gold Circle Room, down the hall. If you plan to come…
Extra Incentive: Taryn Burns Assists at Kripalu
Meet Taryn Burns! Taryn participated in my Teaching Yoga to Athletes intensive at the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health last January, and I’m happy to have her back as my assistant this coming January. Taryn is a natural teacher (an RYT 500, impressive for someone so young) with a winning smile and an engaging…
Listen: East West Functional Medicine Podcast
It was a special treat to chat with Sarajean Rudman for her East West Functional Medicine podcast. Sarajean is a bright light of a teacher, positive and curious, and taking her yoga classes is always a highlight of my visits to the Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in Massachusetts. For the podcast, we discuss…
Newly Certified: Cathy Cannon
Meet Cathy Cannon, the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teacher. Cathy came from Roanoke, in the mountains of Virginia, to take Teaching Yoga to Athletes in Carrboro in the summer of 2016. She returned home, continued her work with minor-league hockey players, high school football players, elite swimmers, and other athletes, then started working through…
Newly Certified: Dr. Cheryl Martin
Meet Cheryl Martin, one of the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teachers. It was a treat to work with her as she moved through the training—her skill set is unique and inspiring. As an emergency physician and ultrarunner, she knows the value of yoga to keep you grounded in every situation. Scottish by birth, Cheryl…
Favorite Books in 2017
One of the joys of 2017—and yes, there were some!—was taking an hour or more after lunch to sit and read for fun. Reading provided a welcome distraction from the news cycle and from work. I’ve been especially drawn to genre fiction, across all genres. (Perhaps I’m still decompensating from my PhD work. I swore…
Newly Certified: Maricelle Campbell
Meet Maricelle Campbell, one of the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teachers. I met Maricelle in person when she took a workshop with me at the Yoga Journal conference in New York, and I was delighted to have her enroll in Teaching Yoga to Athletes shortly thereafter. And we are really excited to have…
Skill in Action: Yoga and Social Justice
Join me in supporting Michelle Johnson as she prepares to release Skill in Action: Yoga and Social Justice. Michelle, a longtime teacher at Carrboro Yoga Company and town alderperson, now lives in Portland, OR, where she works to dismantle racism. Her classes are clear and inclusive and her work is for the benefit of everyone! This book…