Next weekend, I’ll be presenting at Yoga Journal LIVE! at the Hilton Midtown in New York City. Single-class passes go on sale Monday, April 4, right here. Using the code SAGE will save you 15 percent! Here are my offerings: Core Strength for Real People Friday,...
Yoga and movement teachers: there’s a new course for you at Sage Yoga Teacher Training! The Workshop Workshop is an online workbook course that will lead you through all the steps for planning, placing, and promoting a workshop to help your students grow. ...
Meet Christina Roberts, the newest certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teacher. Christina is a health coach, yoga teacher, and dedicated runner about to qualify for the Boston Marathon (I just know it—read her running blog here!). Christina lives in the Lehigh Valley,...
Meet Jeanine Encizo, the most recent certified Sage Yoga for Athletes teacher! Jeanine came to yoga as a longtime runner, competitive in both cross-country and track. Like many of us, she found the yoga asana practice to be a lovely complement to the miles she was...
I’ll present three offerings as part of the Yoga Journal LIVE! weekend in New York: Core Strength for Real People, Friday, April 8, 5:30–7:00 p.m. A More Perfect Union: Building Better Balance, Saturday, April 9, 8:00–10:00 a.m. Yoga for Athletic Recovery (and Tired...
I’ve always had a fondness for metanarrative—stories that are about themselves. It was the topic of my master’s thesis (on metanarrative cinema, and yes, this included The Muppet Movie and Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure) and, in a way, of my doctoral...