Excerpt: Anti-Aging Health Benefits of Yoga

Aug 3, 2017

If you’ve ordered your copy of Lifelong Yoga and are waiting for it to arrive—or if you need a reminder to order it—take a look at this excerpt from the book, over at Yoga Journal.

Along with the smile lines and gray hair, aging brings changes that are harder to see but very easy to feel, especially during movement. As you age, you’ll encounter general physiological changes in elasticity, stability, speed, strength, and endurance, as well as a different perspective on physical goals. Specific health problems emerge as we age, and these age-related illnesses might affect your yoga practice. Here, we offer our thoughts on how to modify your practice for these common ailments, and we detail the ways that (in some cases) yoga can actually relieve symptoms or has been proven to improve medical outcomes. From heart issues to less lung capacity, decreased bone density to hormonal changes, and bad backs to artificial knees, physical changes will affect and dictate the needs of a yoga asana practice, but in all cases, doing yoga will make you feel better.

Read the full piece here. Then order your copy today! And once you’ve had a chance to read it, please leave it a five-start review. These help other people feel better using yoga, as they encourage more people to pick up the book. Thanks in advance!

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